Advice Areas

“We focus on the most important financial areas that need to be proactively managed in order to get the most out of your financial life.”

Budgeting & Cash flow Management– Develop better money habits so you can save more

No matter what stage of life you are at, completing a budgeting & managing your cash flow is an effective tool to help you determine how much you can afford to save and whether you are on track to achieve your goals. Budgeting does not require you to spend less but will simply educate you about how to take control of your spending and still enjoy life.

Debt Management – Pay down your mortgage faster and create serious wealth

1 in 4 Australians don’t pay their own home off before they retire and this can have severe impact on achieving your financial and lifestyle goals. Through our plans for you, we ensure that you are not the 1 in 4. Paying off your debts is actually one of the very best investment decisions you can make. We make it our business to help you pay down your mortgage as quickly as possible using common sense strategies that generally save our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest 10-15 years off their loan.

Wealth Accumulation – Make your money work smarter not harder

For many Australians, superannuation will not be adequate to fund retirement. The reality is that, at some stage in your life, you will have to consider investing. We work with you to design a tax-effective plan and an asset allocation strategy (i.e. the proportion of shares, property, bonds and cash) that is tailored to your individual circumstances.

By using common sense investment philosophies, we show you how you can afford to start accumulating personal investments to set you up for a prosperous and enjoyable future and retire with more, at minimal risk.

Tax Reduction – Earn more and pay less

We all pay hundreds of thousands in dollars in tax over our working life and there are many investment strategies that you can utilise to minimise the amount of tax you pay (generally over $500,000 over your working life). We show you how to significantly reduce the tax you pay and direct these savings towards rapid debt reduction, or further increase your wealth.

Personal Insurances – Protect your wealth, income and your future life

Whether you’re protecting your family or lifestyle for the first time, or updating your insurance needs, we have a range of solutions to take care of you and your family for the long-term – and provide you with important peace of mind. We help you choose the appropriate amount of insurance cover and implement the right structure for you and your family, which can save you a significant amount of money and reduce your tax.

Superannuation – Use super to your advantage to pay less tax and create more wealth

For many Australians, superannuation is confusing and complex and is ignored until it’s too late to make a difference. Superannuation should be used to save for your retirement during your working life. We will help you understand how super works and identify the funds and strategies that are right for you to optimise your super balance.

Retirement Planning – Plan and enjoy the best part of your life

Retirement should be one of the most exciting times of your life: a time when you get to fulfil all the ambitions your busy life kept getting in the way of. Whatever your retirement goals may be, we will work with you to give you the best chance of living your retirement dream.

We believe planning for retirement should start when you get your first job. That’s why, for many of our clients, the plan we have in place for them involves tracking how they are progressing to their long-term retirement goals, even if they have 30+ years to retire.

The closer you get to retirement, the more we get involved into pre-retirement planning strategies around investment structures, starting an income stream, claiming the age Pension, making contributions while receiving a pension from a super fund, estate planning and looking after your family.

Estate Planning – Looking after your assets when you’re not around

An estate plan involves much more than just a simple Will, it is all about putting the right structures in place to ensure your assets are distributed the way you want and in an effective way. Family trusts, powers of attorney and the tax implications for beneficiaries can all be managed with an estate plan. Estate planning should be part of a well-rounded financial plan from the beginning, rather than being left to the last minute.


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